Alex Morelli is an artist and filmmaker based in Chicago, IL. Drawing on personal, observational, and archival practices, he makes films that examine intergenerational memory, carceral landscapes, and the relationship between place and identity. He fell in love with documentary in the Art, Film, and Visual Studies program at Harvard and later completed an MFA at Duke. He was a 2017-18 Harvard Film Study Center Fellow, a 2019 Flaherty Film Seminar Fellow, a 2021 LEF-CIFF Fellow, and a 2021 Gotham Documentary Feature Lab participant. In 2022, Filmmaker Magazine named him one of 25 New Faces of Independent Film. He has taught filmmaking in university and community settings and frequently works as a cinematographer and editor.
Drop him a line at amorelli25[at]gmail[dot]com. Full resume/cv available upon request.
And follow him on Letterboxd here!